Position:home>tourist attractions>Shijiazhuang China north cemetery of revolutionary martyrs
Shijiazhuang China north cemetery of revolutionary martyrs
From;  Author:Stand originally

Cemetery of revolutionary martyrs of China north military region is inside Shijiazhuang city. The revolutionary martyr that sacrificed in warlike period for souvenir on August 1, 1954 and build. Cover an area of amount to 210 thousand square metre, garden door is become by granite and bluestone build by laying bricks or stones, enchase on door wall have " the Chinese People's Liberation Army cemetery of revolutionary martyrs of China north military region " 15 gold word. Be apart from a gate to make an appointment with 100 meters to have fountain, square has 3 groups of bronze all round. Chi Xi side has grave of great internationalism soldier Dr Bethune, statue of Bethune whole body stands before the grave. Chi Dong side has international Red Cross border area of look forward to of examine of doctor of aid China medical team, advance begs hospital of favour international peace in vain allow decanal Ke Di China doctor mausoleum and statue, and aid of international Red Cross China doctor of Edward of doctor of medical team header, India is monumental. Square in it is mourning hall of building of complete garden center. Mourning hall hind has martyr mausoleum, the leader Zhao Bo that river Xining uprises is in the middle of monument of unripe, Dong Zhentang wells balanced. Martyr mausoleum separates a stuff two graves area, burying many 700 martyr. There still are commemorative booth, exhibition and martyr memorial hall inside cemetery, cultural relic of collect carefully revolution more than 13 thousand.   

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